- What is kasneb?kasneb is a professional examinations body established under the Accountants Act, No. 15 of 2008, the Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya Act, Cap 534 of 1988 and section 2 (1) of the Investment and Financial Analysts Act No.13 of 2015 with the mandate to develop syllabuses; conduct of post professional, professional, diploma and certificate examinations and certification of candidates in accountancy, finance, fraud investigation, credit, governance and management, information technology and related disciplines; promotion of its qualifications nationally, regionally and internationally and the accreditation of relevant training institutions in liaison with the ministry in charge of education..
- What are the minimum requirements for one to become a student of kasneb?
Post Professional Examinations
- kasneb professional qualification.
- A degree from a recognised University.
- Any other qualification considered equivalent to the above.
Professional Examinations
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) aggregate average of at least C plus (C+).
- Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) with at least TWO principal passes provided that the applicant has credits in Mathematics and English at Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) level or its equivalent.
- kasneb technician, diploma or professional examination certificate.
- A degree from a recognised University.
- Such other diplomas as may be approved by kasneb .
Diploma Examinations
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with an aggregate average of at least grade C- (C minus) or its equivalent.
- Any other kasneb technician or diploma examination certificate.
- Such other certificates or diplomas as may be approved by kasneb .
Certificate examination
- A person seeking to be registered as a student for Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills (CAMS) qualification must show evidence of being a holder of the following minimum qualifications:
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with an aggregate average of at least grade D (D Plain) or its equivalent.
- What are the fees charged by kasneb?The fees and related charges are available on the website under the students downloads.
- When are the examinations held?Examinations are held three times in an year; April, August and December.
- How can I get exempted in a particular paper?Exemptions are granted on a paper by paper basis upon application with supporting documents and payment of requisite exemption fees. Refer to the exemption policies
- How long does it take to get a certificate after successful completion of the examinations?Within four (4) months after release of results for the qualification or part- qualification as applicable.
- Can one send somebody else to collect a certificate for him/her?In view of the sensitivity of certificates, candidates are required to collect their certificates in person. However, a certificate may be posted to a candidate on request by sending an email to certificates@kasneb.or.ke which should also include an attachment copy of National Identity Card. In addition, details of postal address, postal code and cell phone number should also be submitted.
- Does kasneb issue copies of certificates?kasneb does not issue copies of certificates but provides a confirmation letter of the candidates examination history on request.
- Under what conditions is deferment from an examination granted?Deferment on medical grounds for illness during examination dates, Death before sitting the examination and clash of timetable from different institutions. The deferment fee is 15% of the total booking fees Deferment application is made through the student portal under deferment applications.
- Within which time period should a request for change of examination centre be submitted?Requests for change of examination centres should be submitted at least two months before the examination dates. However, special consideration may be given to late requests on a case by case basis.
- What documents should candidates produce in the examination room?Authority to sit the examination letter (timetable). National Identity card / Passport. Birth certificate in special cases.
- Which institutions offer training in kasneb examinations?The list of accredited institutions is available on the kasneb website.
- Where can I access learning materials?kasneb students, trainers and other stakeholders can access online learning materials available in various databases at an annual subscription fee of Sh. 1,000 per person through E-library on the kasneb website or through https://library.kasneb.or.ke
- Payment of feesAll applications for registration and examination booking must be in the prescribed manner. Students are advised to log into the student management portal https://online.kasneb.or.ke for purposes of registration, exemption and examination booking. The deadline will be specified for each sitting but may not be later than thirty days to the date of the next examinations
- How does one get examination results?Candidates can access their results through the student portal https://online.kasneb.or.ke/ or via SMS service Services Via SMS
- Can a student sit for kasneb examinations outside Kenya?Yes, a student can sit for kasneb examinations anywhere outside Kenya.
- Does kasneb provide model answers for examination questions to students?kasneb provides feedback on examination questions in the kasneb Newsline journal. kasneb is working on modalities to enable students obtain model answers to examination questions.
- What papers am I supposed to sit for after completion of Business Data Analytics (BDA)After completion of Business Data Analytics (BDA),students are required to attend a one day workshop on ethics, soft skills and emerging issue. For those without one year relevant practical experience they are required to attend a one week workshop on work simulation.
- What are kasneb operating hours?Weekdays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- Retention of creditCredits for papers passed by candidates under the new syllabus will be retained without limit.
- Where is kasneb located and does it have branches?kasneb is located at kasneb TOWERS, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi. Kasneb services are now available at the following Huduma Centres; GPO Nairobi, Kisumu, Kisii, Eldoret, Meru, Nyeri, Mombasa, Kitale, Nakuru, Thika and Kakamega . Students may obtain the relevant forms and other information from the Kasneb website, kasneb offices, training institutions offering kasneb courses and Kenya National Library Service branches countrywide.
- Corporate visionEmpowered and globally recognized business professionals.
- Mission statementTransforming business professionals through Examinations, Certification, Accreditation, Research, Innovation and Consultancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about kasneb