Partner with kasneb in empowering professionals by applying for accreditation
Accreditation Guidelines
Core requirements for accreditation
The core requirements are broad quality statements that express KASNEB’s basic expectation of training institutions seeking accreditation. The requirements serve as general guidelines since training institutions will be expected to adhere to the detailed Standards of Accreditation presented in Part II of these guidelines.
In order to be accredited, a training institution shall provide documented evidence to the effect that the institution:
- Is registered with the relevant Ministry or established by an Act of Parliament, and/or any other regulatory authorities as appropriate.
- Has an effective governance and administration structure designed to promote institutional integrity, autonomy and flexibility of operations.
- Has an adequate number of qualified and competent teaching and administrative staff to facilitate delivery of uninterrupted learning programmes to students.
- Has adequate and appropriate lecture halls/classrooms and staff common room(s).
- Has a library which is suitably and adequately stocked.
- Has adequate and appropriate technological resources, particularly where the institution trains in ICT courses examinable by KASNEB.
- Has other physical and sanitation facilities which are adequate and of appropriate quality.
- Has a sound financial base and demonstrated financial stability to support its programmes and services.
- Has put in place systems to safeguard finances and other monies collected on behalf of KASNEB.
- Has developed policies and procedures for the selection, appraisal and development of the teaching and administrative staff and for assessment of students’ performance and progress.
- Has an internal quality assurance system aimed at ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement of institutional policies, processes and procedures.